Tuesday 23 April 2013


open command prompt in windows with Administrator privileges.

## Switch to drive having bad sectors

## check the disk with below command
f:\>chkdsk  /f  /r

Friday 19 April 2013


Compilation of Squid 3.3.3 on Ubuntu 12
## Switch to root user
sudo su

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

tar -xzvf squid-3.3.3.tar.gz

apt-get install g++ gawk m4 gcc-multilib

NOTE: if found any error regarding gcc then install it
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7

apt-get install smbclient

apt-get install openssl*

apt-get install libcap-*

./configure --prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include --datadir=/usr/share --bindir=/usr/sbin --libexecdir=/usr/lib/squid --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc/squid3 --enable-delay-pools --enable-ssl --enable-ssl-crtd --enable-linux-netfilter --enable-arp-acl --enable-snmp --enable-gnuregex && echo $?

NOTE: for squid 3.3.3
--enable-arp-acl replaced with --enable-eui

make all && echo $?

make install && echo $?

cd /usr/share/ssl-cert

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout myCA.pem  -out myCA.pem

openssl x509 -in myCA.pem -outform DER -out myCA.der

The result file should be imported into the 'Authorities' section of users' browsers.
For example, in FireFox:
  1. Open 'Preferences'
  2. Go to the 'Advanced' section, 'Encryption' tab
  3. Press the 'View Certificates' button and go to the 'Authorities' tab
  4. Press the 'Import' button, select the .der file that was created previously and pres 'OK'
nano /etc/squid3/squid.conf

http_port transparent ssl-bump generate-host-certificates=on dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB cert=/usr/share/ssl-cert/myCA.pem

##Also add the following lines to enable SSL bumping:
always_direct allow all
ssl_bump allow all
# the following two options are unsafe and not always necessary:
sslproxy_cert_error allow all
sslproxy_flags DONT_VERIFY_PEER

# Uncomment and adjust the following to add a disk cache directory.
cache_mem 100 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 100 16 256

# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir /var/cache/squid

touch /var/logs/cache.log
chown nobody:adm /var/logs/cache.log

touch /var/logs/access.log
chown nobody:adm /var/logs/access.log

chown nobody:adm /var/cache/squid

/usr/sbin/squid -z

/usr/sbin/squid &

NOTE: if you face below issue then disable or change this line “ssl_bump allow all” accordingly in /etc/squid3/squid.conf
SECURITY NOTICE: auto-converting deprecated "ssl_bump allow <acl>" to "ssl_bump client-first <acl>" which is usually inferior to the newer server-first bumping mode. Update your ssl_bump rules.


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Wednesday 17 April 2013

ZeroShell-2.0.RC2 Installation on Hard Disk

Install Zeroshell-2.0.RC2 on the hard disk

1. First download the image from the official site ZeroShell-2.0.RC2.iso. Also Download ZeroShell-2.0.RC2-IDE-USB-SATA-2GB.img.gz 

2. Open ISO image with magiciso and move to USR directory. Put zeroshell.x.x.x.img.gz in USR and save it.

3. Write ISO image to the cd

4. Boot system from that zeroshell CD and let it start

5. Press S, to go to the command mode.

6. Run the command fdisk-L, to view the available devices (hard disk)

7. Now unpack. Img.gz image to your hard drive by performing commands:

cd /usr
gunzip -c zeroshell-2.0.RC2.img.gz > /dev/sda
Wait for the image decompression

8. Reboot the system by performing the command:

Remove the CD and system will boot from the hard drive.

Set your lan ip to and gateway to

open web interface of ZeroShell using
User: admin
Password: zeroshell

Wednesday 3 April 2013


How do I use shutdown command?

NOTE: Use commands without sudo for other linux distributions

The shutdown command can be used to turn off or reboot a computer. Type the command as follows to shutdown server / computer immediately:  
$ sudo shutdown -h now
$ sudo shutdown -h 0

How do I shutdown computer at specific time?

To shutdown computer at 6:45pm, enter: $ sudo shutdown -h 18:45 "Server is going down for maintenance"

At 6:30pm message will go out to all user and 6:45 system will shutdown.

Please note that you can also use halt or poweroff or reboot command for stopping and restarting the system:  
$ sudo halt
$ sudo poweroff

How do I reboot computer?

Simply use reboot command:  
$ sudo reboot
$ sudo shutdown -r 0



NOTE: web server is required to view reports.
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install sarg

nano /etc/sarg/sarg.conf
root@raabtaproxy:/etc/sarg# cat sarg.conf
# sarg.conf
# TAG:  access_log file
#       Where is the access.log file
#       sarg -l file
access_log /var/log/squid3/access.log

# TAG: graphs yes|no
#       Use graphics where is possible.
#           graph_days_bytes_bar_color blue|green|yellow|orange|brown|red
graphs yes
graph_days_bytes_bar_color orange

# TAG:  graph_font
#       The full path to the TTF font file to use to create the graphs. It is required
#       if graphs is set to yes.
#graph_font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf

# TAG:  title
#       Especify the title for html page.
title "Raabta Proxy User Access Reports"

# TAG:  font_face
#       Especify the font for html page.
font_face Tahoma,Verdana,Arial

# TAG:  header_color
#       Especify the header color
header_color darkblue

# TAG:  header_bgcolor
#       Especify the header bgcolor
header_bgcolor blanchedalmond

# TAG:  font_size
#       Especify the text font size
font_size 9px

# TAG:  header_font_size
#       Especify the header font size
#header_font_size 9px

# TAG:  title_font_size
#       Especify the title font size
#title_font_size 11px

# TAG:  background_color
# TAG:  background_color
#       Html page background color
background_color white

# TAG:  text_color
#       Html page text color
text_color #000000

# TAG:  text_bgcolor
#       Html page text background color
text_bgcolor lavender

# TAG:  title_color
#       Html page title color
title_color green

# TAG:  logo_image
#       Html page logo.
#logo_image none

# TAG:  logo_text
#       Html page logo text.
#logo_text ""

# TAG:  logo_text_color
#       Html page logo texti color.
#logo_text_color #000000

# TAG:  logo_image_size
#       Html page logo image size.
#       width height
#image_size 80 45

# TAG:  background_image
#       Html page background image
#background_image none

# TAG:  password
#       User password file used by Squid authentication scheme
#       If used, generate reports just for that users.
#password none

# TAG:  temporary_dir
#       Temporary directory name for work files
#       sarg -w dir
temporary_dir /tmp

# TAG:  output_dir
#       The reports will be saved in that directory
#       sarg -o dir
#output_dir /var/www/html/squid-reports
output_dir /var/www/squid-reports

# TAG:  output_email
#       Email address to send the reports. If you use this tag, no html reports will be generated.
#       sarg -e email
#output_email none

# TAG:  resolve_ip yes/no
#       Convert ip address to dns name
#       sarg -n
resolve_ip yes

# TAG:  user_ip yes/no
#       Use Ip Address instead userid in reports.
#       sarg -p
user_ip no

# TAG:  topuser_sort_field field normal/reverse
#       Sort field for the Topuser Report.
#       Allowed fields: USER CONNECT BYTES TIME
topuser_sort_field BYTES reverse

# TAG:  user_sort_field field normal/reverse
#       Sort field for the User Report.
#       Allowed fields: SITE CONNECT BYTES TIME
user_sort_field BYTES reverse

# TAG:  exclude_users file
#       users within the file will be excluded from reports.
#       you can use indexonly to have only index.html file.
exclude_users /etc/sarg/exclude_users

# TAG:  exclude_hosts file
#       Hosts, domains or subnets will be excluded from reports.
#       Eg.:   - exclude ip address only
#   - exclude full C class
#            s1.acme.foo     - exclude hostname only

#            *.acme.foo      - exclude full domain name
exclude_hosts /etc/sarg/exclude_hosts

# TAG:  useragent_log file
#       useragent.log file patch to generate useragent report.
#useragent_log none

# TAG:  date_format
#       Date format in reports: e (European=dd/mm/yy), u (American=mm/dd/yy), w (Weekly=yy.ww)
date_format u

# TAG:  per_user_limit file MB
#       Saves userid on file if download exceed n MB.
#       This option allow you to disable user access if user exceed a download limit.
#per_user_limit none

# TAG: lastlog n
#      How many reports files must be keept in reports directory.
#      The oldest report file will be automatically removed.
#      0 - no limit.
lastlog 0

# TAG: remove_temp_files yes
#      Remove temporary files: geral, usuarios, top, periodo from root report directory.
remove_temp_files yes

# TAG: index yes|no|only
#      Generate the main index.html.
#      only - generate only the main index.html
index yes

# TAG: index_tree date|file
#      How to generate the index.
index_tree file

# TAG: overwrite_report yes|no
#      yes - if report date already exist then will be overwrited.
#       no - if report date already exist then will be renamed to filename.n, filename.n+1
overwrite_report no

# TAG: records_without_userid ignore|ip|everybody
#      What can I do with records without user id (no authentication) in access.log file ?
#      ignore - This record will be ignored.
#          ip - Use ip address instead. (default)
#   everybody - Use "everybody" instead.
records_without_userid ip

# TAG: use_comma no|yes
#      Use comma instead point in reports.
#      Eg.: use_comma yes => 23,450,110
#           use_comma no  => 23.450.110
use_comma yes

# TAG: mail_utility mail|mailx
#      Mail command to use to send reports via SMTP
mail_utility mailx

# TAG: topsites_num n
#      How many sites in topsites report.
topsites_num 100

# TAG: topsites_sort_order CONNECT|BYTES A|D
#      Sort for topsites report, where A=Ascendent, D=Descendent
topsites_sort_order CONNECT D

# TAG: index_sort_order A/D
#      Sort for index.html, where A=Ascendent, D=Descendent
index_sort_order D

# TAG: exclude_codes file
#      Ignore records with these codes. Eg.: NONE/400
#      Write one code per line. Lines starting with a # are ignored.
#      Only codes matching exactly one of the line is rejected. The
#      comparison is not case sensitive.
exclude_codes /etc/sarg/exclude_codes

# TAG: replace_index string
#      Replace "index.html" in the main index file with this string
#      If null "index.html" is used
#replace_index <?php echo str_replace(".", "_", $REMOTE_ADDR); echo ".html"; ?>

# TAG: max_elapsed milliseconds
#      If elapsed time is recorded in log is greater than max_elapsed use 0 for elapsed time.
#      Use 0 for no checking
max_elapsed 28800000
# 8 Hours

# TAG: report_type type
#      What kind of reports to generate.
#      topusers            - users, sites, times, bytes, connects, links to accessed sites, etc
#      topsites            - site, connect and bytes report
#      sites_users         - users and sites report
#      users_sites         - accessed sites by the user report
#      date_time           - bytes used per day and hour report
#      denied              - denied sites with full URL report
#      auth_failures       - autentication failures report
#      site_user_time_date - sites, dates, times and bytes report
#      downloads           - downloads per user report
#      Eg.: report_type topsites denied
#report_type topusers topsites sites_users users_sites date_time denied auth_failures site_user_time_date downloads
report_type topusers topsites sites_users users_sites date_time denied auth_failures site_user_time_date downloads

# TAG: usertab filename
#      You can change the "userid" or the "ip address" to be a real user name on the reports.
#      If resolve_ip is active, the ip address is resolved before being looked up into this
#      file. That is, if you want to map the ip address, be sure to set resolv_ip to no or
#      the resolved name will be looked into the file instead of the ip address. Note that
#      it can be used to resolve any ip address known to the dns and then map the unresolved
#      ip addresses to a name found in the usertab file.
#      Table syntax:
#               userid name   or   ip address name
#      Eg:
#               SirIsaac Isaac Newton
#               vinci Leonardo da Vinci
#      Karol Wojtyla
#      Each line must be terminated with '\n'
#      If usertab have value "ldap" (case ignoring), user names
#      will be taken from LDAP server. This method as approaches for reception
#      of usernames from Active Didectory
usertab /etc/sarg/usertab

# TAG: LDAPHost hostname
#       FQDN or IP address of host with LDAP service or AD DC
#       default is ''

# TAG: LDAPPort port
#       LDAP service port number
#       default is '389'
#LDAPPort 389

# TAG: LDAPBindDN CN=username,OU=group,DC=mydomain,DC=com
#       DN of LDAP user, who is authorized to read user's names from LDAP base
#       default is empty line
#LDAPBindDN cn=proxy,dc=mydomain,dc=local

# TAG: LDAPBindPW secret
#       Password of DN, who is authorized to read user's names from LDAP base
#       default is empty line
#LDAPBindPW secret
# TAG: LDAPBaseSearch OU=users,DC=mydomain,DC=com
#       LDAP search base
#       default is empty line
#LDAPBaseSearch ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local

# TAG: LDAPFilterSearch uid=%s
#       User search filter by user's logins in LDAP
#       First founded record will be used
#       %s - will be changed to userlogins from access.log file
#       filter string can have some tags '%s'
#       default value is 'uid=%s'
#LDAPFilterSearch uid=%s

# TAG: LDAPTargetAttr attributename
#       Name of the attribute containing a name of the user
#       default value is 'cn'
#LDAPTargetAttr cn

# TAG: long_url yes|no
#      If yes, the full url is showed in report.
#      If no, only the site will be showed
#      YES option generate very big sort files and reports.
long_url no

# TAG: date_time_by bytes|elap
#      Date/Time reports show the downloaded volume or the elapsed time or both.
date_time_by bytes

# TAG: charset name
#      ISO 8859 is a full series of 10 standardized multilingual single-byte coded (8bit)
#      graphic character sets for writing in alphabetic languages
#      You can use the following charsets:
#               Latin1          - West European
#               Latin2          - East European
#               Latin3          - South European
#               Latin4          - North European
#               Cyrillic
#               Arabic
#               Greek
#               Hebrew
#               Latin5          - Turkish
#               Latin6
#               Windows-1251
#               Japan
#               Koi8-r
#               UTF-8
charset Latin1

# TAG: user_invalid_char "&/"
#      Records that contain invalid characters in userid will be ignored by Sarg.
#user_invalid_char "&/"

# TAG: privacy yes|no
#      privacy_string "***.***.***.***"
#      privacy_string_color blue
#      In some countries the sysadm cannot see the visited sites by a restrictive law.
#      Using privacy yes the visited url will be changes by privacy_string and the link
#      will be removed from reports.
#privacy no
#privacy_string "***.***.***.***"
#privacy_string_color blue

# TAG: include_users "user1:user2:...:usern"
#      Reports will be generated only for listed users.
#include_users none

# TAG: exclude_string "string1:string2:...:stringn"
#      Records from access.log file that contain one of listed strings will be ignored.
#exclude_string none

# TAG: show_successful_message yes|no
#      Shows "Successful report generated on dir" at end of process.
show_successful_message no

# TAG: show_read_statistics yes|no
#      Shows some reading statistics.
show_read_statistics no

# TAG: topuser_fields
#      Which fields must be in Topuser report.

# TAG: user_report_fields
#      Which fields must be in User report.

# TAG: bytes_in_sites_users_report yes|no
#      Bytes field must be in Site & Users Report ?
#bytes_in_sites_users_report no

# TAG: topuser_num n
#      How many users in topsites report. 0 = no limit
topuser_num 0

# TAG: datafile file
#      Save the report results in a file to populate some database
#datafile none

# TAG: datafile_delimiter ";"
#      ascii character to use as a field separator in datafile
#datafile_delimiter ";"

# TAG: datafile_fields all
#      Which data fields must be in datafile
#      user;date;time;url;connect;bytes;in_cache;out_cache;elapsed
#datafile_fields user;date;time;url;connect;bytes;in_cache;out_cache;elapsed

# TAG: datafile_url ip|name
#      Saves the URL as ip or name in datafile
#datafile ip

# TAG: weekdays
#      The weekdays to take account ( Sunday->0, Saturday->6 )
# Example:
#weekdays 1-3,5
# Default:
#weekdays 0-6

# TAG: hours
#      The hours to take account
# Example:
#hours 7-12,14,16,18-20
# Default:
#hours 0-23

# TAG: dansguardian_conf file
#      DansGuardian.conf file path
#      Generate reports from DansGuardian logs.
#      Use 'none' to disable it.
#      dansguardian_conf /usr/dansguardian/dansguardian.conf
#dansguardian_conf none

# TAG: dansguardian_filter_out_date on|off
#      This option replaces dansguardian_ignore_date whose name was not appropriate with respect to its action.
#      Note the change of parameter value compared with the old option.
#      'off' use the record even if its date is outside of the range found in the input log file.
#      'on'  use the record only if its date is in the range found in the input log file.
#dansguardian_filter_out_date on

# TAG: squidguard_conf file
#      path to squidGuard.conf file
#      Generate reports from SquidGuard logs.
#      Use 'none' to disable.
#      You can use sarg -L filename to use an alternate squidGuard log.
#      squidguard_conf /usr/local/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
#squidguard_conf none

# TAG: redirector_log file
#      the location of the web proxy redirector log such as one created by squidGuard or Rejik. The option
#      may be repeated up to 64 times to read multiple files.
#      If this option is specified, it takes precedence over squidguard_conf.
#      The command line option -L override this option.
#redirector_log /usr/local/squidGuard/var/logs/urls.log

# TAG: redirector_filter_out_date on|off
#      This option replaces squidguard_ignore_date and redirector_ignore_date whose names were not
#      appropriate with respect to their action.
#      Note the change of parameter value compared with the old options.
#      'off' use the record even if its date is outside of the range found in the input log file.
#      'on'  use the record only if its date is in the range found in the input log file.
#redirector_filter_out_date on

# TAG: redirector_log_format
#      Format string for web proxy redirector logs.
#      This option was named squidguard_log_format before sarg 2.3.
#      REJIK       #year#-#mon#-#day# #hour# #list#:#tmp# #ip# #user# #tmp#/#tmp#/#url#/#end#
#      SQUIDGUARD  #year#-#mon#-#day# #hour# #tmp#/#list#/#tmp#/#tmp#/#url#/#tmp# #ip#/#tmp# #user# #end#
#redirector_log_format #year#-#mon#-#day# #hour# #tmp#/#list#/#tmp#/#tmp#/#url#/#tmp# #ip#/#tmp# #user# #end#

# TAG: show_sarg_info yes|no
#      shows sarg information and site path on each report bottom
#show_sarg_info yes

# TAG: show_sarg_logo yes|no
#      shows sarg logo
#show_sarg_logo yes

# TAG: parsed_output_log directory
#      Saves the processed log in a sarg format after parsing the squid log file.
#      This is a way to dump all of the data structures out, after parsing from
#      the logs (presumably this data will be much smaller than the log files themselves),
#      and pull them back in for later processing and merging with data from previous logs.
#parsed_output_log none

# TAG: parsed_output_log_compress /bin/gzip|/usr/bin/bzip2|nocompress
#      Command to run to compress sarg parsed output log. It may contain
#      options (such as -f to overwrite existing target file). The name of
#      the file to compresse is provided at the end of this
#      command line. Don't forget to quote things appropriately.
#parsed_output_log_compress /bin/gzip

# TAG: displayed_values bytes|abbreviation
#      how the values will be displayed in reports.
#      eg. bytes        -  209.526
#          abbreviation -  210K
#displayed_values bytes

# Report limits
# TAG: authfail_report_limit n
# TAG: denied_report_limit n
# TAG: siteusers_report_limit n
# TAG: squidguard_report_limit n
# TAG: user_report_limit n
# TAG: dansguardian_report_limit n
# TAG: download_report_limit n
#      report limits (lines).
#      '0' no limit
#authfail_report_limit 10
#denied_report_limit 10
#siteusers_report_limit 0
#squidguard_report_limit 10
#dansguardian_report_limit 10
#user_report_limit 10
#user_report_limit 50
# TAG: www_document_root dir
#     Where is your Web DocumentRoot
#     Sarg will create sarg-php directory with some PHP modules:
#     - sarg-squidguard-block.php - add urls from user reports to squidGuard DB
#www_document_root /var/www/html

# TAG: block_it module_url
#     This tag allow you to pass urls from user reports to a cgi or php module,
#     to be blocked by some Squid acl
#     Eg.: block_it /sarg-php/sarg-block-it.php
#     sarg-block-it is a php that will append a url to a flat file.
#     You must change /var/www/html/sarg-php/sarg-block-it to point to your file
#     in $filename variable, and chown to a httpd owner.
#     sarg will pass http://module_url?url=url
#block_it none

# TAG: external_css_file path
#     Provide the path to an external css file to link into the HTML reports instead of
#     the inline css written by sarg when this option is not set.
#     In versions prior to 2.3, this used to be an absolute file name to
#     a file to include verbatim in each HTML page but, as it takes a lot of
#     space, version 2.3 switched to a link to an external css file.
#     Therefore, this option must contain the HTTP server path on which a client
#     browser may find the css file.
#     Sarg use theses style classes:
#       .logo           logo class
#       .info           sarg information class, align=center
#       .title_c        title class, align=center
#       .header_c       header class, align:center
#       .header_l       header class, align:left
#       .header_r       header class, align:right
#       .text           text class, align:right
#       .data           table text class, align:right
#       .data2          table text class, align:left
#       .data3          table text class, align:center
#       .link           link class
#     Sarg can be instructed to output the internal css it inline
#     into the reports with this command:
#        sarg --css
#     You can redirect the output to a file of your choice and edit
#     it to your liking.
#external_css_file none

# TAG: user_authentication yes|no
#     Allow user authentication in User Reports using .htaccess
#     Parameters:
#       AuthUserTemplateFile - The template to use to create the
#     .htaccess file. In the template, %u is replaced by the
#     user's ID for which the report is generated. The path of the
#     template is relative to the directory containing sarg
#     configuration file.
# user_authentication no
# AuthUserTemplateFile sarg_htaccess

# TAG: download_suffix "suffix,suffix,...,suffix"
#    file suffix to be considered as "download" in Download report.
#    Use 'none' to disable.
download_suffix "zip,arj,bzip,gz,ace,doc,iso,adt,bin,cab,com,dot,drv$,lha,lzh,mdb,mso,ppt,rtf,src,shs,sys,exe,dll,mp3,avi,mpg,mpeg"

# TAG: ulimit n
#    The maximum number of open file descriptors to avoid "Too many open files" error message.
#    You need to run sarg as root to use ulimit tag.
#    If you run sarg with a low privilege user, set to 'none' to disable ulimit
#ulimit 20000

# TAG: ntlm_user_format username|domainname+username
#      NTLM users format.
#ntlm_user_format domainname+username
# TAG: realtime_refresh_time num sec
#      How many time to auto refresh the realtime report
#      0 = disable
# realtime_refresh_time 3

# TAG: realtime_access_log_lines num
#      How many last lines to get from access.log file
# realtime_access_log_lines 1000

#      Which records must be in realtime report.
# realtime_types GET,PUT,CONNECT

# TAG: realtime_unauthenticated_records: ignore|show
#      What to do with unauthenticated records in realtime report.
# realtime_unauthenticated_records: show

# TAG: byte_cost value no_cost_limit
#      Cost per byte.
#      Eg. byte_cost 0.01 100000000
#           per byte cost      = 0.01
#           bytes with no cost = 100 Mb
#      0 = disable
# byte_cost 0.01 50000000

# TAG: squid24 on|off
#      Compatilibity with squid version <= 2.4 when using emulate_http_log on
# squid24 off

mkdir /var/www/squid-reports

Nano /etc/sarg/sarg-reports.conf

root@raabtaproxy:/etc/sarg# cat sarg-reports.conf
  PAGETITLE="Access Reports on $(hostname)"
EXCLUDELOG1="SARG: No records found"

## To generate report of today
/usr/sbin/sarg-reports today
Crontab to generate reports
root#crontab -e
00 00 * * * /usr/sbin/sarg-reports daily
00 01 * * 1 /usr/sbin/sarg-reports weekly
03 02 1 * * /usr/sbin/sarg-reports monthly