Thursday 6 March 2014


What is Pen-Testing?
Penetration testing is the process of attempting to gain access to resources without knowledge of user-names, passwords and other normal means of access. If the focus is on computer resources, then examples of a successful penetration would be obtaining or subverting confidential documents, price lists, databases and other protected information.

The main thing that separates a penetration tester from an attacker is permission. The penetration tester will have permission from the owner of the computing resources that are being tested and will be responsible to provide a report. The goal of a penetration test is to increase the security of the computing resources being tested.

There are a wide variety of tools that are used in penetration testing. These tools are of two main types;
  1. Reconnaissance or vulnerability testing tools
  2. Exploitation tools
While penetration testing is more directly tied to the exploitation tools, the initial scanning and reconnaissance is often done using less intrusive tools. Then once the targets have been identified the exploitation attempts can begin. The line between these tools is very muddy. 

For example CORE IMPACT is a penetration testing tool butt it also has a strong reconnaissance piece. Metasploit 2.5 is clearly a penetration testing tool with almost not reconnaissance functionality but version 3.0 will be adding some reconnaissance features.

Nmap is clearly a reconnaissance tool and Nessus is mainly a reconnaissance tool but it has some penetration testing functionality. Many of the single-purpose tools fall more cleanly into either the reconnaissance or exploitation category.

Reconnaissance Tools:
Reconnaissance often begins with searches of internet databases including DNS registries, WHOIS databases, Google, on-line news sources, business postings, and many other on-line resources. The reconnaissance phase often includes print media as well, specifically electronically searchable archives that would be found at a college library or large public library.

Nmap is a popular port scanning tool. Port scanning is typically a part of the reconnaissance phase of a penetration test or an attack. Sometimes attackers will limit their testing to a few ports while other times they will scan all available ports. To do a thorough job, a vulnerability scanner should scan all port and, in most cases, a penetration tester will scan all ports. An actual attacker may chose to not scan all ports if he finds a vulnerability that can be exploited because of the “noise” (excess traffic) a port scanner creates.

Another capability of nmap is its ability to determine the operating system of the target computer. Different networking implementations will respond differently to different network packets. Nmap maintains a type of database and will match the responses to make a guess at what type of operating system the target computer is running. This OS detection isn't perfectly accurate but it can help the attacker tailor his attack strategy, especially when coupled with other pieces of information.

Nessus is a popular vulnerability scanner that many security professionals use regularly. Nessus has a huge library of vulnerabilities and tests to identify them. In many cases, Nessus relies on the responses from the target computer without actually trying to exploit the system. Depending on the scope of a vulnerability assessment, the security tester may choose an exploitation tool to verify that reported vulnerabilities are exploitable. Nessus includes port scanning and OS detection, so sometimes a vulnerability assessment will just use Nessus and let Nessus call nmap or other scanners for these components of the test. For a stealthy scan, a security professional or an attacker may choose to run these tools separately to avoid detection.

Packet Manipulation and Password Cracking Tools
There are many other reconnaissance tools within the penetration tester arsenal, but two categories bear special mention here: packet manipulation tools and password cracking tools. The former category includes tools like hping, that allows a penetration tester or attacker to create and send all types of specially crafted TCP/IP packets in order to test and exploit network-based security protections, such as firewalls and IDS/IPS. The password cracking category includes tools like John the Ripper or Cain and Able, which is used to detect and obtain weak password for multiple authentication mechanisms, such as the ones supported by most Unix and Windows operating systems.

Exploitation Tools
Exploitation tools are used to verify that an actual vulnerability exists by exploiting it. It’s one thing to have vulnerability testing software or banners indicate the possibility of an exploitable service, but quite another to exploit that vulnerability. Some of the tools in this category are used by both attackers and penetration testers. There are many more exploitation tools than the ones listed here. Many tools in this category are single-purpose tools that are designed to exploit one vulnerability on a particular hardware platform running a particular version of an exploitable system. The tools that we’ve highlighted here are unique in the fact that they have the ability to exploit multiple vulnerabilities on a variety of hardware and software platforms.

Metasploit Version 2.5
Metasploit is a relatively new addition to the penetration tester’s tool belt. It provides attack libraries attack payloads that can be put together in a modular manner. The main purpose of Metasploit is to get to a command prompt on the target computer. Once a security tester has gotten to a command-line, it is quite possible that the target computer will be under his total control in a short time. The currently released version of Metasploit Framework as of June, 2006 is version 2.5. Version 3.0 is expected out shortly. See the sidebar for some information about Metasploit Framework 3.0.

This is a tool that attackers would use to take over, or own, a computer. Once an attacker can gain this level of access to a computer, they would often install code that would allow them to get back onto the computer more easily in the future. In some cases, a penetration tester would also install tools on the computer, but often they would simply document the access and what data was available and move on to other testing. This would depend on the defined scope of the testing. The security professional also would want to be careful about causing data loss or server instability that may result in lost productivity. A malicious attacker may be more cavalier about using the computer without regard to lost productivity, though a highly skilled attacker targeting a specific company may be very careful not to damage the system so that they can avoid detection.

SecurityForest Exploitation Framework
Although still technically in Beta version, the SecurityForest Exploitation Framework is another open-source tool that can be leveraged by penetration testers. This framework leverages a collection of exploit code known as the ExploitTree, and the Exploitation Framework is a front-end GUI that allows testers to launch exploit code through a Web browser (similar to Metasploit’s Web interface). The Framework is very similar to Metasploit, in fact, with a few key differences. ExploitTree has a remarkable number of exploits included, but the vast majority of these are in pre-compiled format (most likely in a C file) or exist as Perl executables. They are also not natively integrated into the Framework. This framework is not nearly as extensible as
some other tools; it primarily functions as a GUI to launch attacks from.

CORE IMPACT (version 5.1)
CORE IMPACT is a commercial penetration testing tool that combines a healthy dose of reconnaissance with exploitation and reporting into one point and click penetration testing tool. The main purpose of CORE IMPACT is to identify possible vulnerabilities in a program, exploit those vulnerabilities without causing system outages, and clearly document every step along the way so that the entire procedure can be verified by another party.

The CORE IMPACT penetration testing tool makes is easy for a network administrator or penetration tester to run tests against a network or host without having a whole suite of security testing utilities. Overall, we found the program to do a good job of scanning the network for vulnerabilities, successfully exploiting them, and reporting on the results.

One really slick feature of CORE IMPACT is the ability to install an agent on a compromised computer and then launch additional attacks from that computer. This proved useful in an actual penetration testing assignment by allowing the tester to compromise one machine and from there run automated scans inside the network looking for additional machines. Those scans weren’t quite as good as actually being on-site, but it did allow us to discover internal hosts from outside the network.

For most systems, CORE IMPACT will work well, but as Core Security Technologies states in their documentation, it isn’t meant to be a replacement for an experienced penetration tester. One of the areas we ran into some trouble on was when a single IP address had different ports mapped to different servers with different operating systems. Sometimes CORE IMPACT would identify a host as having a given operating system and then refuse to launch a vulnerability against a service that did not match that operating system. In one tested network, a single public IP address was in use by three different computers: an Exchange server, an IIS web server, and a Linux computer running SSH. The OS had been identified as being in the Linux family so an attack against IIS vulnerability wasn’t an option. We were able to work around this by re-scanning the machine using only the ports that mapped to the Windows system.

As a commercial vendor, Core Security Technologies does a lot of testing of their exploit code to ensure that it will not adversely affect the target hosts. In testing CORE IMPACT, we found that it was rare for it to crash systems. There was one case where an unpatched Windows 2003 server rebooted a few times in different testing scenarios. Later, the same test was used to exploit the system and gain access to a command prompt. Other than this one test against an unpatched Windows 2003 server, we did not crash any systems. The reporting feature of CORE IMPACT is quite good. It includes an executive report, a report that lists vulnerabilities and all the machines affected by those vulnerabilities, a detailed report of all hosts and an exhaustive report of every test that was run, when it ran, how long it ran and detailed results of the running.

This last report is one that you don’t need very often but if you do need it, it has all the details do duplicate a test. Keeping accurate notes is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks for a pen-tester because often many tests are attempted with small variations to the test. CORE IMPACT makes it easy to go back and find any steps that weren’t properly recorded.

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